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This testimony  are recorded on a voluntarily basis and will be used solely for Yanhuang 312 Healthcare community outreach programs to build awareness and benefit others for a good cause.


To maintain confidentiality, the name of the interviewee will be masked with the initials only. For eg. Tan M. K.


The interviewee can request the testimony to be taken down at any time.


The testimony is subjected to basic language vocabulary, grammar and structure corrections.

Testimony //

Ms Carol


Condition: Lower Back Strain and Ankle Sprain

I am a cabin crew, and during one of my flight to London I injured my lower back while trying to close the overhead compartment for the passenger.


The pain was very sudden and severe, immediately I felt intense discomfort but I continued to finish the flight despite the pain. Upon my arrival in London, the pain was so severe that I can’t sit or lie down, I called the local doctor to my room to treat me, I was diagnosed with possible slip disc and was advised to return to Singapore as soon as possible to seek further medical examination.


I took the next available flight back to Singapore as a passenger, the company assigned doctor also diagnosed me with possible slip disc and I was scheduled for X-Ray Examination the next day because the X-Ray department was closed. That same day, I went to seek treatment from Yanhuang 312 Healthcare, the therapist Ms Gan helped me with the therapy and within 20mins I felt relive from my ache. I was very happy and immediately felt that I had fully recovered, however I was advised that I might need 1 more therapy to fully recover. Indeed after about 2 hours, I felt the pain again, that evening I went back and did another time, this time the pain was gone for good. I was very impressed. I did not go for the X-Ray after that.


That was my 2nd time receiving the therapy, the first time was when I sprained my ankle after I fell from a bicycle, it took me only 1 treatment to completely heal it. It was really amazing.

Mr. Pang T. S.


Condition: Shoulder Pain

I am more than 60 years old and had intense shoulder pain suddenly without any known reasons, I did not had any injuries or trauma, the pain just came suddenly. I tolerated it for 2 months without seeking any other help before I was recommended by my son in law to visit Yanhuang 312 Healthcare, my son in law and wife highly recommended this place because they themselves had benefited and recovered from the therapies.


During my first visit, I feel that though the therapy is unlike any other I had been to, it is definitely acceptable. After the first visit, I immediately felt relieve. After several therapies (20mins each) I can raise my hands higher and can confidently say that I had made significant improvements though I had not fully recovered yet.

Ms Celine


Condition: Shoulder Pain and Vertigo (a subtype of dizziness in which a patient inappropriately experiences the perception of motion (usually a spinning motion) due to dysfunction of the vestibular system)

I was having shoulder pain for more than 10 years, I had seek various treatments before but the pain still came back. I was introduced to Yanhuang 312 Healthcare on 23 May. The treatment was very unusual, using bio-electro meridian therapy,

initially I was not very comfortable when the current pass through my body.


Mr Wong was very attentive and the therapy went off smoothly. He has also attended to my other problems such as ear imbalance and seek the treatment too. After my 1st treatment, indeed I am able to get off the bed without any fear of giddiness.


I had already seek my 4th treatment, I can feel I am able to sleep better and my shoulder pain is gone and I have fear of my giddiness and able to stand upright without leaning on to my daughter or others.

Last but not the least, I highly recommend their service.

Ms Lin M.L


Condition: Sprained Ankle

I sprained my leg and went to seek a physician for ‘tie da’ (铁打), but instead of getting better, it got worse, my leg became black and swollen, it became so bad that I need to rest for a year as I cannot work anymore. I went to see a doctor and was told that nothing much could be done, I was prescribed steroids to relieve the pain, however the side effects caused my face to be swell and the medication was not cheap.


My husband was introduced to Yanhuang 312. Senior Therapist Ms Gan helped me with the therapy program and my condition start to get better.


Initially I visited once per week and now I visit once every 2 weeks, now I can walk and had almost fully recover, my leg no longer swell anymore.

Mr. Soh T.P


Condition: 因中风导至视觉局部受损及右边身体局部麻痹






Ms Tan. L.L


Condition: Lower Back Pain

With sincere appreciation and warmest thanks to your wife for all your patience and excellent care given to me and my family. Your commitment to helping us to heal so much and I am very grateful.


I have been troubled with episodes of lower back pain for years. The pain was nearly always there but usually it was pretty tolerable. Therefore, I just live day by day, since daily activities may cause the gradual breakdown of the spine and the physical activity and lifestyle habits can trigger an episode of lower back pain. Age is another contributing factor. However, it progressively worsened when I woke up in the morning of 5/2/14/ I felt so painful from my lower back all the way down my right leg. So I decided to give a try ata Yanhuang 312.


On my first visit of 5/2/14, I was greeted by Mr. Wong who evaluate problems, checked my BP & Pulse, to the hands on treatment from Mdm Gan, I was so amazed by the results. After 1 session of 40mins of therapy, I could feel that the tension on my lower neck and leg had eased and my muscles were relaxed, my pain has diminished and I could walk normallu. I am still going back for my regular therapy Mdm Gan continues to improve not only my lower back problem, but also treated my other complaints such as dryness of my eyes, insomnia, migraines and also helps to restore the tautness of my face. She always take time to listen and also explains why she is performing certain treatments in terms I can understand. I have made so much progress that I began to introduce my siblings, in laws, friends and colleagues to Yanhuang 312.


My husband is currently under the care of Mr Wong for his vision impairment and numbness of his body as a result of stroke suffered in 2011. He had made so much progress since his first therapy on 5/2/14 and his overall health has also improved with better blood circulation.


My daughter is 16 years old now. She injured her spine during her dance practices when she was 11 years old. She is a modern dancer with her secondary school dance club and frequent practices had aggravated her condition. She used to complain of aching on her lower back when she sat for too long or walked too much. I have brought her for physiotherapy sessions but sees no improvements.

After a few sessions with Mr Wong, her pain vanished and she resumed her routine with ease. Her sinus has also improved. Mr Wong told me that she has a weak constitution, partly due to the thalassemia genes inherited from me. Hence, Mr Wong is currently treating to build up and strengthen her immune system, spleen and kidney to improve the blood circulation and sense of well-being. Mr Wong possesses a very positive mindset to help my daughter.


My mother has recently seek help from Mr Wong for her knee pain, swollen ankle and insomnia. The pain is not all gone, but through the unblocking of the meridian paths, it has helps to relax her muscles and tension on her leg. Her insomnia has also been slightly improved.

We have become friends with Mr Wong and his team if warm and friendly staff.


Mr Wong is a dedicated and passionate healthcare professional who wants his clients to get healthy and stay healthy. I also recommend the therapist Chan Yuke Meng who is very experience and patience.

Mr Willem Grooff


Condition: Hereditary Neuro Muscular Disease (HNMS type I, Syndrome of Charcot Marie Tooth)

I, Willem Grooff, born 25-04-1950 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, am writing this testimonial with the intention to share my experiences with the (to me) incredibly beneficial Electro Stimulation Therapy, used as a treatment for my Hereditary Neuro Muscular Disease (HNMS type I, Syndrome of Charcot Marie Tooth) by Mr. Wong Yoke Seng in Singapore as from April 2009 till present.


Prior to providing my conditional history in Annex I, it seems right to firstly provide the arguments that lead to my conclusion that I really need to make this testimonial. Such in the high hope it will benefit at least some of the patients suffering from my type of diseases. I am convinced of the fact that my experience may hold at least some hope to somebody. I do realize the sensitivity of selling hope.


Although all of my life I have been badly affected by my condition, I have only been diagnosed when I was over 50 years old. By then, everything (back to my earliest childhood) fell in place. My treating Neurologist (Dr. Vroon, Havenziekenhuis Rotterdam, now retired) and Revalidation Doctor (Dr. Van Houten, St. Franciscus Hospital Rotterdam) could only agree with the fact that it has been my luck that my disease was unknown in my youth. I have always been able to live a very active working life as a seafarer in (mostly) tropical countries. Temperatures and forced intensive labour have been reasons for my system to develop as much as possible. After my seafaring career, I have been able to work as ship visitor for many years in another tropical country, Singapore. Especially the great distances of walking the ports of Singapore in the hot sun and the climbing of the largest vessels every day seem to have kept my body going. The typical tiredness of my condition could always be compensated by taking the necessary breaks due the absence of fixed working hours. After being recalled to the office around the year 2000, things got worse rather quickly and by 2006, I was no longer able to perform in a reasonable way. In December 2008 I have been qualified to be “disabled 80-100%. The situation being as follows:


I was able to walk (with orthopaedic shoes) not more than 50 metres and not able to stand still for even 5 seconds. Hands and feet were totally numb and the right foot was lame. The general signs of CMT (muscle decay in hands, feet and lower limbs, heavily bent back, storch legs) ware all clearly present for many years. In accordance with employers, medics and UWV (insurance) a trial for my placement Singapore was worked out in order to at least keep me going for a while. Again, the benefits of heat and movement were the ideas behind that. Just as the lack of force and energy seemed to wreck this set-up, I was introduced by a friend to Mr. Wong Yoke Seng. This was in April 2009, shortly after I visited Dr. Kamal Verma, Senior Neurologist of Tan Tock Seng Hospital with the question if there would be any connection of Western Medicine and TCM within the field of Neurology and my kind of diseases. The answer was no and we left it with that single visit. I am pretty sure Dr. Kamal Verma will be shocked if he saw me again.


I entered Mr. Wong’s therapy centre as I did Dr. Kamal Verma’s treatment room: supported by my wife and my friend. This because of my lack of balance. Right after googling more information about my specific disease, we started the treatment with Mr. Wong’s own developed equipment. Looking back after 5 years, especially the results in the beginning (of then very intensive treatment) are stunning. Typical for my condition was that because of the bad performance of the nerves, my pain barrier on the lower limbs were very high and extreme (compared to other patients) currents could be used. In my personal opinion (doctors tend to know, but patients feel) this could be part of the explanation of the plain miracle that I have experienced over the last five years: a stabilization where there could be none and clearly some recovery condition and even muscle tissue, where none would be expected. Already after several treatments, the sensitivity in the fingertips returned and I could feel warm and cold again. It is great to start feeling the tackles of your keyboard and the strings of your guitar again! For about a year, every week again I felt a bit stronger and more secure on my feet than the week before and in the end I was able to walk larger distances. It may be clear that the “misprint” causing my disease was not affected, but the effects of the disease clearly were. I still experience the tiredness, but there is no comparison to the “before” situation. After about a year, my balance got better and with that I was able to move around more and more. By now, I seem (although I am not and will never be) to be a normal healthy person, especially in the first hours of the morning. The nerve system cannot take the higher currents anymore, which in itself is significant. Treatment with lower currents is still giving the same results and the revival of the beginning of the therapy seems to last. I do look something like a healthy person most of the time now, whilst 4 years ago I really had a zombie-like appearance. My feet have lost most of the claw-like aspect and my back is far less bent than before. Apart from the fact that all these remarkable (to the observer) things are clearly seen by everyone who knows me, there is also the impression of my Revalidation Doctor (Dr. Van Houten) who has seen me back after 4 years.  Her statement (on my request) was: I have seen this patient back after 4 years and observed an unexpected stabilisation with even some muscle re-development. Apart from this neutral professional statement the surprise was obvious.


In general, everybody agrees to the fact that there has been a surprising “revival”. This already after 8 months of treatment, when I walk back in to my Rotterdam office. None of my colleagues could believe what they saw coming back after only one year. In my opinion, this Electro Stimulation Method might considered to be able to “boost” the body reserves (if present) and as in the case of my Type I disease the nerve and muscle tissue is still present and only “dormant”, the therapy seems to have the power to boost the cells to start performing again on a higher level. Apart from the obvious (and measurable) benefit of a stimulation of the blood flow, the stronger current surpasses the currents that the body uses to keep the nerve/muscle system going and makes the connection where the CMT invaded body has no ability to do that. In the five years that I have been happy to be very close to Mr. Wong Yoke Seng and his Centre, I have seen many great results and I have spoken to many grateful patients with very interesting stories.


Remarkable is that all of these patients were/are suffering from very diverse diseases/conditions, me being the only CMT patient so far.


I walked in to Mr. Wong Yoke Seng’s centre with a clear mind and no other intention or hope to do a favour to my friend who desperately wanted to go on searching for ways to help me. By that time, I fully accepted my situation and was ready to face whatever further disadvantage my condition would bring. All this has changed by now and I am assured of the fact that there are at least some patients like me around that can benefit from therapies like the one Mr. Wong Yoke Seng has developed. The more remarkable is my case is, that even if I am not able to receive my therapy as regular as before, my system seems not (yet) to be weakening.


One last remark I would like to make: The thing that really bothers me, is that apart from the people who have seen me 5 years ago, nobody really believes that something like this is possible. The (UK) Organisation for CMT patients dismissed my suggestion just to come and look what is happening in Singapore and to listen to my story as nonsense. The comment: “electro stimulation has been tried many times and it holds no possibilities”. In my opinion, anything that gives even the slightest indication of improvement of any condition is at least worth looking at. Therefore, I do hope from the bottom of my heart, that something good can come out of this testimonial.


Rotterdam, 8 March 2014


Medical History


The signs of muscle weakness already showed in early childhood. I was never able to perform on sports and gymnastics as other children did, but always tried to keep pace. Although it clearly showed that “something” was wrong, in the early fifties no doctor was able to recognize my condition. Wooden blocks inside my shoes at the age of 4 were as painful to me as to everyone who observed my. My old Professor Family Doctor kept the helpful medics from breaking my feet to see if I would learn how to walk in a proper manner. “He more or less walks now and you do not know if he will walk afterwards”. Luckily, my mother listened to that advice from Professor Verburgh, to whom I am grateful.


Writing this I googled the name of the very famous Doctor that according to my mother has examined me in my earliest youth and came to the conclusion that one possibility could be that the stomach muscles did not connect and therefore there was no control on the lower muscles. Indeed, and more or less to my surprise today, Dr. Fideldij Dop has been a very famous Children’s Doctor in the early fifties in Amsterdam. As the first publication on CMT has been seen in 1965, he may have seen me a dozen of years too early. He has become very famous later on, but this shows how conditions like mine were looked at before Neurologists were around.


In my early years, I was not able to properly play with the other children, as they pitied me for falling down every few steps. Until my 13th year, I have not been able to run without falling, a problem that still occurred occasionally when I was an adult. No way I could climb ropes or even properly hold my pen at school, something that in the early fifties was considered something next to a crime. Luckily, much was compensated by a quiet clear and a big mouth. I managed to still play soccer every day and together with a very active working life as a seafarer later on, that has been my rescue.


I entered the Netherlands’ Royal Navy when I was 16 years old and by then I was already commented because of my (typical CMT) claw feet, storch legs and bent back, but nobody knew how to place that in a specific condition. The first publication on CMT dates from that period, in fact from one year earlier. The Examination Doctor let me pass, although he was called in by the nurse who was alarmed by the form of my feet. His comment: “no worries, we need brains and not feet.” My luck again. By then, I already had a near to lame foot (without realizing it, which may sound strange) and walked like a drunk. I was not able to take a step when carrying a heavy load, due to the lack of foot muscles. I did not really pay attention to those things, but much to my surprise everybody else did. I was often asked if I were OK by complete strangers and I did not really understand why. I have never been able to walk on tiptoe, have never been able to move my toes, have never been able to stand on one foot, and never realized that everybody else could do those things. I always tried to do sports and build muscle, but it never worked out. I stayed thin and weak.


In my sailing years (1966-1990) I maintained an acceptable condition by working very hard as a ship’s officer up to the Captain’s level. I generally ran around for very long hours every day, something that must have been beneficial to my condition. My luck again was that I have always been working in tropical countries, which must have helped my system to stabilize. I was still young enough to keep on going and only after my 35th year troubles started.


Because of the fact that I had lost all feeling in my feet and the lack of a real pain impulse, I did a lot of damage by working too long hours and not getting out of my shoes in time. When I did, my feet were generally a bloody mess, which lead to more and more serious infections as wounds that had no time to heal. I stopped sailing in 1990 because of that when and started working for the seamen’s union.


The good thing (luck again) here was my placing in Singapore for many years with a lot of daily walking and climbing ships in combination with high temperatures. My condition detoriated quickly after I was placed back in office in 2002. Because of the low stress job and the good conditions (heat) it was agreed between myself, Doctors and Employer to try and let me perform at a very low level in our (especially for me) re-opened one person Singapore Office. My ultimate luck after that: a few months later I met Mr. Wong Yoke Seng, who was busy developing an (to me) astonishing therapy.

Mr. Toh M.W


Condition: Epilepsy

Aged 32. He had a fall due to fit when he was 5 yrs old n was sent to the hospital.


The doctor diagnosed him as an epilepsy case. From then he was on medication till now. Sometimes when severe the attack can be several times a day or a few times a week.


It was until we came to know about Yanhuang 312. He was under the care of Mr. Wong and having the treatment for more than a year.


Gradually we see that there's an improvement. The fit is mild and not so severe as before. Also not that frequent.


We sincerely thank Mr Wong and also all the staffs of Yanhuang 312.

Ms Alice L.

Hawaii USA

Condition: Cold hands and feet

Dear Mr. Lau,Thank you very much for your treatment regarding my long term concerns of cold hands and feet. I easily feel chill even in the summer and my limbs are icy cold when I sleep at night. After the initial treatment, I already felt a difference. With the improvement in blood circulation I feel warmer in general. Three treatments after my hands and feet were the normal temperature. And it took me by surprise that I get a better sleep at night because I don't feel the coldness anymore. I would like to thank you once more for your kindness in treating and helping people in need. Your consultation and generous support is much appreciated!




This testimony was given by Ms Alice L. who had received Bio-Electro Meridian Therapy from Mr. Kevin Lau who is based in Hawaii, USA.

Ms Joy B.

Hawaii USA

Condition: Acid Reflux

Hello Kevin,


I'm sorry it took so long to write and Thank You for all that you and your treatment has helped me with.  But I really do want to express my appreciation.  It is so wonderful not to have to worry about my acid reflux any more.  From daily episodes, the occurrences have now been far and few.  Rarely do I have to jump up from bed and run to the kitchen for some water or milk to calm the acid burn.  It is such a relief!  And with this treatment, I am finally gaining weight.  From weighing at the low of 104 lbs, my weight has increased to 110 to 112 lbs which is the ideal weight for me.  My digestion process seems to be working more efficiently.


And my energy levels have also increased with the increase in circulation.  I don't feel as old as I use to!  All the benefits of going through the treatment has been great.  Like I mentioned  before, my sister is buying all healing crystals bracelets, but I don't anymore because I feel your treatment is much more healing and energizing.


Again, thank you for all your help. 


This testimony was given by Ms Joy B., who had received Bio-Electro Meridian Therapy from Mr. Kevin Lau who is based in Hawaii, USA.

Ms R.

San Francisco USA

Condition: 手脚关节红肿疼痛

Kevin: 您好!在你来San Francisco的日子里,很多朋友经过了你的经络治疗,均有明显的效果。                           




[This testimony was given by Ms R.., who had received Bio-Electro Meridian Therapy from Mr. Kevin Lau who is based in Hawaii, USA.

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